Solutions for Pharmacies

Expand the service offerings of your pharmacy with tools of analysis and treatment that will help you create more personalized programs for hair or skin care and increase customer retention

ico-checkup-pelle Skin and Hair Check-up

MICROCAMERA® shows magnified images of skin and hair details in real-time, helping clients to better understand their condition and your treatment recommendations.

Analyze in just one click different types of problems:

  • wrinkles
  • skin spots
  • hydration
  • skin impurities
  • skin tone
  • stretch marks
  • cellulite / hydration
  • capillary fragility
  • sebum, dandruff
  • sensitive scalp, itch
  • scalp inflammation
  • hair weakening and hair loss

A customized solution for your business

Together we can make a difference: increase your revenue by expanding the range of services you offer. Our experts will help you select the best equipment for your business.

Choose from three different systems tailored to your needs
Select from a set of 19 optics/sensors
Access a free training course

Monitor customer progress

Save image results on a secure online storage and share them with your clients to showcase the positive effects of the treatments, step by step.

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ico-checkup-pelle Advanced Technology for skin and hair treatments

With the easy to use LASER technology of Stymula® Medical ST-0500 (certified medical device) you will be able to provide your clients with innovative and certified services, with no side effects.

by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, it improves the tone and elasticity of the skin. It also slows down the aging process, regenerates damaged tissues and decreases free radicals.

Normalize the production and improves the quality of sebum, thus limiting the formation of blackheads.

Reduces redness by relieving inflammation.

Stimulates the production of collagen and new proteins and improves scar healing.

Improves the density and diameter of the hair

Induces hair regrowth

Normalizes the production of sebum and dandruff

Ideal for all diseases characterized by inflammation / flaking of the scalp

Safety, speed and efficiency

Use Stymula® LASER in combination with usual products to enhance their effectiveness. Without contact between client and device, Stymula® doesn’t require disinfection after use and can be used in a completely automated way, without constant monitoring.

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ico-checkup-pelle Complete, free training

APR Instruments offers a comprehensive training program for you and your staff. We will teach you how to perform analyses and treatments with proficiency and to make the most of the APR instruments within your field of application.

  • Free online class with certificate of qualification to use the instrument
  • Free periodic refresher courses
  • Personalized online courses (on demand)

Contact us for more information.

Call us at 030-7703821 to speak directly with one of our product specialists

Or write us using this form.

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